CII Manufacturing

CII-JICA-AOTS Training Programme on Industry 4.0

Recognizing the importance of Digital Transformation in manufacturing process, CII has partnered with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS) for conducting Training Programme on Industry 4.0

Batch 1 (Gurgaon) : 1- 3 July 2024

Batch 2 (Mumbai) : 4-6 July 2024


Mr Pradeep Mittal

Deputy Executive Director

Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Ltd

I recently attended the Industry 4.0 program organised by CII, and it was a truly enlightening experience. The program provided a comprehensive overview of the deep learning and case studies lead to shaping the future of manufacturing.The sessions were engaging, informative, and perfectly balanced between theory and practical applications. The speakers were experts in their fields, and their insights were invaluable. Specifically, it evolved around,

  • Leveraging IoT and data analytics for predictive maintenance
  • Implementing AI-powered quality control systems
  • Designing and optimizing smart manufacturing workflows

I'm confident that the strategies and techniques learned during the program will enable us to:

  • Improve production efficiency
  • Reduce downtime
  • Enhance product quality

The program has equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities of Industry 4.0. I am confident that the learnings from this program will have a significant impact on my organization's digital transformation journey. I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested in staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving landscape of Industry 4.0.”

Suresh R Chavan

General Manager – Operations

Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited

We are very much thankful to CII for organising such a useful training program. As a participant in the CII-JICA-AOTS training program on Industry 4.0, I can confidently say it was an eye-opening experience. The program provided a comprehensive understanding of how digitalization and digitization are useful in the manufacturing landscape. The program managed to cover key concepts like IoT, AI, and other digital technologies used by companies with a local and global operations. Mr.Mitsuru Abe, Representative Director/General Secretary, AI and IoT promotions Association/AOTS, Japan lead the sessions which were highly knowledgeable and demonstrated the frameworks of Japanese-style industry 4.0. He also covered the strategy with implemented case studies of the companies that have progressed on Industry 4.0 drive. Shared success stories of the Smart Factory implemented companies made the session more interesting. The program concluded with a planned factory visit at KPCL Saswad plant and we were glad to have you all. Thanks to your kind words on the implemented IoT and IIoT solutions at our factory. Our morale has skyrocketed, and we are more motivated than ever to take ahead the learnings from such an important training program. AI implementation is the takeaway for KPCL.
